Game Design Document : here

Top down, WASD movement with E to interact

Anders forgot to make it web on his submission, this is the fixed version 

Art: Nick Eli Ethan Lucas 

Programming: Anders

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Author!! πŸ„ Psychedelia πŸ’€ !!


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This game was somewhat frustrating to play. It’s not immediately obvious at all what the objective is or how to achieve it. Additionally, I picked up a duck but then could never put it back down or get rid of it.

On the plus side, the in-jokes were pretty funny.


I seem to be constantly levelling up by doing almost nothing :D … but I assume this is just for test purposes and you’ll fine tune and balance that more later.

This level 77 goblin has so far managed to do nothing of use… except travel in a vent and get teleported outside. I then proceeded to glitch myself into falling off the bridge and into the cavern below (intentionally!), and then escaped the world and am now falling endlessly into the void :D My character is a rapidly disappearing blurry pixel on the screen as he keeps falling forever :)


the art in this game was really good. i only wish that i could figure out how to get the steal buttons to work. i really hope that you guys spend some more time working on it because i think it has the potential to be really fun. for now, i just enjoyed running around and going goblin mode

Thats the plan! theres also audio that will be finding its way in, etc. actually gonna post a tutorial on the description just now since seemingly that a universal thing, we just didnt make it that far, a lot of it was just getting the assets done and it overwhelmed out experienced unity dev since he was also our project lead and we happened to be half new artists including myself who created some of the UI elements with help from Ethan our modeler for the characters


I wish there was a tutorial to explain how to play the game.

(1 edit)

I wish we had time to create one, things got rather tight for a 2 week gamejam, we do plan to update it after the judging tho! along with the audio, we had a ton of audio and cut scene stuff already in the works, just ran out of time and our only programmer was up for 30 hours straight to even get it to the point it was lol